Automated Trading System
Technology has been a big business growth driver in the broking space. The broking houses have to upgrade the technology to scale up business, engage customers and yet manage costs.
In today’s real time environment, customers require access to the latest information and analytical tools to be able to engage effectively in capital markets.
Automated trading is one step ahead towards achieving technological innovations in the capital market, which has aided the regulators and market intermediaries.
In today’s real time environment, customers require access to the latest information and analytical tools to be able to engage effectively in capital markets.
Automated trading is one step ahead towards achieving technological innovations in the capital market, which has aided the regulators and market intermediaries.
Automated trading systems, also referred to as mechanical trading systems, algorithmic trading or system trading which allow traders to establish specific rules for both trade entries and exit that, once programmed, can be automatically executed via a computer.
The trade entry and exit rules can be based on simple conditions such as a moving average crossover, or can be complicated strategies that require a comprehensive understanding of the programming language specific to the user’s trading platform, or the expertise of a qualified programmer, Automated trading systems typically require the use of software that is linked to a direct access broker, and any specific rules must be written in that platform’s proprietary language.
Some trading platforms have strategy building “wizards” that allow users to make selections from a list of commonly available technical indicators to build a set of rules that can then be automatically traded.
For example, the user could establish that a long trade will be entered once the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average on a five-minute chart of a particular trading instrument. Users can also input the type of order (market or limit, for instance) and when the trade will be triggered (for example, at the close of the bar or open of the next bar), or use the platform’s default inputs.
Many traders, however, choose to program their own custom indicators and strategies or work closely with a programmer to develop the system. While this typically requires more effort than using the platform’s wizard, it allows a much greater degree of flexibility and the results can be more rewarding.
Once the rules have been established, the computer can monitor the markets to find buy or sell opportunities based on the trading strategy specifications. Depending on the specific rules, as soon as a trade is entered, any orders for protective stop losses, trailing stops and profit targets will automatically be generated.
Some trading platforms have strategy building “wizards” that allow users to make selections from a list of commonly available technical indicators to build a set of rules that can then be automatically traded.
For example, the user could establish that a long trade will be entered once the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average on a five-minute chart of a particular trading instrument. Users can also input the type of order (market or limit, for instance) and when the trade will be triggered (for example, at the close of the bar or open of the next bar), or use the platform’s default inputs.
Many traders, however, choose to program their own custom indicators and strategies or work closely with a programmer to develop the system. While this typically requires more effort than using the platform’s wizard, it allows a much greater degree of flexibility and the results can be more rewarding.
Once the rules have been established, the computer can monitor the markets to find buy or sell opportunities based on the trading strategy specifications. Depending on the specific rules, as soon as a trade is entered, any orders for protective stop losses, trailing stops and profit targets will automatically be generated.
Advantages of Automated Trading System
- It minimizes emotions throughout the trading process and ensures that discipline is maintained because the trading plan will be followed exactly.
- It has the ability to back-test the strategy before trading.
- It improves order entry speed.
- It permits the user to trade multiple accounts or various strategies at one time.
- It scans for trading opportunities across a range of markets, generate orders and monitor trades.
Various Types Of Trading Through Automated Trading
Algorithmic trading may be used in the investment strategy, including market making, inter-market spreading, arbitrage, or pure speculation (including trend following). The investment decision and implementation may be augmented at any stage with algorithmic support or may operate completely automatically.
Trading based on technical indicators:- Traders can use technical indicators to develop trading strategies like moving average, channel breakouts to determine the general direction of the market and to generate trade signals. The goal in using technical indicators is to identify trading opportunities. For example, a moving average crossover often predicts a trend change. Automated trading software allows traders to develop strategies based on technical indicators, back-test the strategies and when traders are satisfied they take the same strategy to live market.
Trading based on Option strategies: - An Option Strategy involves the simultaneous purchase and/or sale of different option contracts, also known as an Option Combination. There are such a wide variety of option strategies that use multiple legs as their structure, however, even a one legged Long Call Option can be viewed as an option strategy. There are number of option based strategies for which algorithms are available.
- Conversion Reversal Strategy: This strategy allows the user to do conversion and reversal.
(A) Conversion: Sell call, buy put at same strike, buy future.
(B) Reversal: Buy call, sell put at same strike, sell future. - Single Strike Volatility Trading.
- Multi Strike Volatility Trading.
- Delta Hedging.
- 2/3/4L Option Strategies.
- Butterfly.
- Straddle.
- Strangle.
Trading based on Arbitrage Opportunities: - Automated trading can be used to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities that exist across the cash and futures in various Exchanges to cater the segments like Commodities, Currency, Equities and Derivatives.
- Future Vs Future BID Strategy: This strategy allows for BID based arbitrage between future expiries, it can BID on either near or far month expiries for both sides (i.e. buy near expiry sell far expiry and buy far expiry and sell near expiry).
- Cash Vs Future Strategy: This strategy allows for quote based arbitrage between equity and future segments. It can quote on either equity or future for both sides (i.e. buy cash sell future and buy future sell cash).
Pair Trading: - The Pair trading is a market neutral trading strategy enabling traders to profit from virtually any market conditions: uptrend, downtrend, or sidewise movement. This trading strategy is categorized as a statistical arbitrage and convergence trading strategy.
Spread Trading: - The two-legged spread instruments can be used to generate custom strategies that can be deployed extremely quickly into the market.
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